Welcome to our new Servas Israel website

Servasing in Israel - רשמי אורחים מחו"ל

You are welcome to send to Israel@servas.org your impressions, feelings, thoughts about being a guest in Servas ISRAEL homes, or meetings with Servas ISRAEL hosts. (including photos with your hosts)

We will publish them here

Thanks and come again to Israel

See a map of Israel which includes Israeli hosts locations
press on map for link

,With peace and friendship

July 2018 – Ho-young and Ran-young Celebarting 20th Marriage Aniversary with Servas in Israel

2018 This year is a very special time for my couple. It is the 20th anniversary of marriage. We have never traveled together since we have been busy growing up children. So I wanted to give a meaningful gift to my wife to celebrate the 20th wedding anniversary.

As with all Christians, I knew early that my wife’s hiding place was a pilgrimage to Holy Land, so I had the courage to plan my trip to Israel.

December 2016 – Maria and Adam from Poland Visit Israel with Servas

After hosting two groups of Israelis in their guesthouse in the Krakow area of Poland, Maria and Adam arrived in Israel and were warmly received by the Israpoland 2015 & 2016 participants.

In my name and my husband, I would like to thank you sincerely for accepting our visit in Israel, for the organization of our entire stay and the warmth we received from you. We felt great, we felt that we are in the company of close friends. It’s hard for me to describe our joy.

October 2016 – Our first experience with hosting

Dear Claudia, dear Shlomi

We are staying now 11, 12 days in Israel. Our first 7 days we spent with an old friend.

And now we experience to be with our first hosts from Servas!

We have many things to learn. Not to travel to see cities, places,…,`we travel to meet people`, told us Claudia and Shlomi.

Sometimes we can`t make a difference between street experiences and beeing with our hosts.

June 2016 – Hebrew Language and Culture Program in Israel

Mirek Wasilewski from Poland spent the month of June in Israel learning Hebrew and getting to know Israel in depth.

Here is what Mirek wrote:

Thank you for all you did for me in Israel both on the Hebrew learning and touristic sides of my visit to Israel and stay with you. It was really a very important and great experience for me. Thank you. And can you imagine that my thanks need to go to at least 32 persons who were directly involved in organizing my stay and my program in Israel?

March 2016 – Long Awaited First Visit in Israel

Bruna D’Innocenzo – Italy

I have wanted to visit Israel for a long time for religious reasons and also to see the country and the reality of everyday life.
Though very small geographically, Israel provides a lot of variety, originality and richness which makes it very interesting for touring.

I did not feel much tension related to the political situation.
In Jerusalem I saw less military & police presence than in Rome…

February 2016 – 10 days in Israel

Peter Kraus – Germany

I travelled in Israel for 10 days

I had three very good experiences with three Israeli Servas hosts.

So I had a good opportunity to gather impressions about life in Israel.

All my hosts were very relaxed and open. I felt like a family member. They were interested in Germany and the way Germans think about Israel.

The German Nazi history was not the only or the main thing….
There was very good communication and many interesting conversations about every subject you can imagine.

January 2016 – 25 days alone among Israelis- Slow Servasing

“To Israel? Are you crazy?“ My girl-friend looked at me very shocked, when I told her about my newest plan.

Servas Israel had installed a new program . The guest can stay 4 weeks ,live with Israeli families and learn Hebrew. The 2 days rule is put aside.  The organiser Claudia has made a travelplan for me. So I could visit 7 hosts and some dayhosts, who should help me with my studies . In all, I met 23 servas members (7 hosts plus Zvi in Sede boker), all of them were very friendly and helpful..I am grateful to them.

June July 2015 – Learning Hebrew and staying with Servas families

Korab family from Belarus

Here is what Angelika Korab wrote :

An unforgettable month in Israel.

Dreams come true with SERVAS

From 13 June to 13 July 2015, our family spent a wonderful time in different parts of Israel with the help of SERVAS. The program of study Hebrew for a month and participation in the daily life of Israeli families was amazing.

December 2015 – Servas Visits Give Hope for Peace

Marie Bernard Xiberras – France

I loved Israel and the Servasing in Israel experience.
For me Servas Israel is the hope for the future of Israel.
It is thanks to people like them that I hope the people in the area will be able to live in peace.

J’ai adoré Israel et les servas d’Israel.

J’ai beaucoup appris et je reviendrai dans quelques années.

February 2015 – First visit in Israel

This February me and my father visited Eretz Israel. It was our first me here but for sure not the last one.

Thanks to Servas we were able to really feel Israely culture.

We were guests of in Yuvalim, Haifa and Ramat Gan. They are very nice hosts! We would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you!

Thank you very much!

Eugene and Pavel


!986 and coming back 2014 – Sharing memories of past visit in Israel

For our first trip to Israel, in pre-email 1986, we wrote postally to a peace activist who had been active in the formation of Israel. He wrote back that he’d be out of the country, but we should contact his friends, the Karianis.
Servas hosts in Israel.
Servas hosts in Israel.

They turned out to be an Arab family living in an Arab village in northern Israel. As American Jews, we felt very fortunate to stay with them and experience a side of Israel that most visitors never see.

January 2015 – Servasing along the Jesus Trail

I left from Jerusalem in the early morning and travelled by bus from Central Bus Station to Zippori junction… I had to walk from a junction to another one, crossing two motor roads in the traffic and passing by some fields with my broken suitcase, so I lost the linking bus from that junction to Zippori’s one, but with help and lifts from the locals, I anyway managed to arrive to Zippori moshav, where Mira and Arie Nathan live.

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