Welcome to our new Servas Israel website

Servasing in Israel - רשמי אורחים מחו"ל

You are welcome to send to Israel@servas.org your impressions, feelings, thoughts about being a guest in Servas ISRAEL homes, or meetings with Servas ISRAEL hosts. (including photos with your hosts)

We will publish them here

Thanks and come again to Israel

See a map of Israel which includes Israeli hosts locations
press on map for link

,With peace and friendship

December 2014 – Servas Israel Christmas (including visit to Bethlehem, Palestinian Authority)

Before we went to Bethlehem, we stayed in Jerusalem at the clean, comfortable Eden Hotel, owned by Line,  a gracious and efficient Jewish woman; friendly Muslim women cooked our yummy buffet breakfasts. Throughout our trip, we experienced many such examples of Jewish/Arab cooperation and interaction within Israel.

We tour members met that Saturday evening to say farewell to our Servas Israeli hosts.   For ten days, they had housed and fed us, shared their lives, shown us important historical and religious sites (especially Christian for this Christmas season); we know them as wonderful, generous  people.  Many of our Israeli hosts and their family members had incredible stories of suffering, survival — and miracles — in order to be alive –and live in  Israel.

November 2012 -Thanks from Servas Friends from Germany

for 2 weeks – Oct./Nov. 2012 we were in Israel. We – that are Marina & Harald Seiffert from Servas Germany and our long time friend Alexander Petryasov from Servas Russia.

In advance we had booked 1 week in the Ein Gedi kibbutz hotel to enjoy and cure at the Dead Sea, have treatment with the famous mud and the hot sulphur baths in the lower spa and with massages in the new spa (straight in the kibbutz hotel area, had just been opened). Before and after that week in Ein Gedi we were Servas travellers – for Marina the 1st time in Israel, and a wonderful experience.

November 2012 – First visit to Servas members in Israel

This was my first visit to Servas memebers in Israel. I stayed first with Judy in Jerusalem. We shared so many ideas that it was difficult to leave. I then stayed with Shlomy and Claudia in Hertzlia. Shlomi doesn’t speak much but you can feel that in his quiet way he is a tower of strength. I must mention he is also a great cook. Claudia took great care of me. She had to stay on the telephone for hours to organize my departure, but never lost her smile. She is the secretary of Peace and I was interested to hear how she goes about that. Thank you to all of you, who made my stay a memorable one. Jackie, France

October 2012 – Israel Journey: North and South

Regine Maligne-Lynch and Tim Lynch from US
Oct 2012 – Israel Journey: North and South After exploring Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, we decided to travel five days in the north through Galilee, Nazareth, Caesarea and Acre before our week on the Red Sea beach at the extreme south of Israel (Eilat).

With SERVAS you never know what will happen, but it always does

My recent visit to Israel was an adventure.
My first host Hasia Klotz and her sister drove to the Judean Hills using the Burma road. There is no guard rail next to the Burma road.

Hasia also arranged a visit to the Weitzman Institute. Dr. Liat Haklai brought me to her lab. She is doing research on neurological diseases. Defective mice are bred for this research. Apparently ligands in the axon and receptor must line up for signal transmission. She has time for SERVAS?

A wonderful and special experience in Israel, in just 10 days

Dear Servas members,

I have just spent three and a half months in Europe. My main destination was the Netherlands, where I visited my son and daughter-in-law, and new grand-daughter. It was great to see them for so long, but I thought that, like any young couple with a new baby, they would probably want a few breaks from grandmother-in-law. It was a great opportunity to visit some other countries and give the young family a bit of space, by trying out my new travel membership with Servas.

Thanks from a Polish traveler

Andrzej Kowalunas, Poland


To all my Israeli hosts and their families.
My Servas travel to Israel ( March 21 – April 19,2008 ) is a never-to-be-forgotten experience which has changed, in many ways ,my thinking about your country and about Israeli people. As I mentioned on various occasions, I have always wanted to come to your country, mainly for sentimental and historical reasons, and finally it turned out that I arrived at Ben Gurion Airport as a Pole and left it as a Jew !

Travelling with Servas in Israel from Denmark | 5/01/2008


Travelling with Servas in Israel has been an unforgettable experience.

Staying in four different homes, in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Hamadia and Maale Gamla, gave us the opportunity to meet different kind of people, hearing their different stories and to exchange views on many topics. In addition it was a great way to experience large parts of Israel including some kibbutzim.

February 3-28, 2006 – My Servas report on my trip to Israel

Marisa E. Contini, Uruguay


How incredibly quickly time went by! My mind and heart are still full of fond memories and experiences that I lived while I was in Israel. Your country is so beautiful…. Everybody was so gentle and kind to me that I have the best impression of Israelis.You are all now really dear to me in the Servas family.
Many thanks (Toda Raba!) specially to you for being so nice to me on the different occasions I got to see you, when you were so generous with your time to show me around or to come and see me. And your nice present which I like so much and will keep as a souvenir.
wish you the best. Be well and we’ll keep in touch, hoping that I will see you again.

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