Welcome to our new Servas Israel website

אירועים שהיו בארץ Past Events in Israel

אתם מוזמנים לשלוח ל-Israel@servas.org את ההתרשמות, הרגשות, המחשבות שלכם על התארחות בחו”ל (כולל תמונות עם המארחים שלך). אנחנו נפרסם אותם פה עבור כולם.

You are invited to send to Israel@servas.org your impressions, feelings, thoughts about staying abroad (including photos with your hosts). We will publish them here for everyone.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
A series of four instruction sessions was completed by Servas Israel between Oct. until Dec. 2018. Arranging the meetings in different areas of the country allowed 60 members in all to participate. These members are now able to assist those who could not attend one of the meetings.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
It is important to know, especially in view of the bilateral relations that once again rocks our countries, how Servas members in Poland welcome us and show us their beautiful country and tradition.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
Thanks to Timor family who hosted us in their Sukkah in their home in Pardes Hanna, and took us to the Under the Lamps festival, at Givat Haviva.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
Hedva Kooper, Servas Israel host, visited Polad with her friend, Bat-Sheva Dagan. They met Servas Poland members, who were interested to hear the story of Bat-Sheva, a 92 years old Holocost survivor.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
Lorenz Glatz’ book "Journeys to Lost neighbors. The Jews from Wiesmath" was donated to Yad Vashem library in Jerusalem by Servas Israel, on Tuesday July 17, 2018, by Servas Israel members: Lesley, Meir, Eran, Claudia and Shlomi. Watch video inside.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
Servas Israel members, who have a common interest in photography, met in Jaffa port on Friday morning, 29 June 2019.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
Members of Servas Israel met with a group of women who belong to "Women Make Peace" in Jerusalem at their "Mothers' Tent" on Friday June 8th, and on Tuesday July 17th, 2018 .
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
Thank you, Michael Ben Abu, a member of Servas, who presents and guided us at the "Map - Reading Between the Lines" exhibition on Friday, April 27, 2018 at Eretz Israel Museum.
מאי 20, 2024 by 'adm_daronet'
Servas Israel annual assembly 2018 took place at Kibbutz Givat Oz, after a tour of the area and guided visits to two Arab villages - Kafr Kara and Um El-Fahm.האסיפה השנתית 2018 של סרווס ישראל נערכה בקיבוץ גבעת עוז, אחרי סיור מודרך באיזור, וביקור בשני כפרים ערביים - כפר קרע ואום אל-פחם.
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